St Herman's Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Journey to the Church



Adults wishing to enter the communion of the Church go through three stages that can be compared to getting married. At the inquirer stage, one enters into a "dating" relationship with the Church. When one's inquiries satisfies one that the Orthodox Church is who she claims to be - the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, the body of Christ, the fullness of him who is all in all - one is welcome to become a catechumen. Becoming a catechumen is like getting engaged. At this stage, one learns not only about Orthodoxy but how to be Orthodox, how to live according to the Orthodox way. One is gently guided in the ascetic and moral disciplines of the Church. When one feels ready to die to the world in order to live for Christ in his holy Church, one is ready to be married to Christ by becoming a member of his bride, the Church, through Holy Baptism and/or Chrismation.

Come and See!

St Herman's Orthodox Church
5355 38th Ave So; Minneapolis, MN 55417
Detailed Map

Upcoming Services

Wednesday, January 15
7 pm Vespers
Friday, January 17
St. Anthony the Great

610 am Hours
630 am Divine Liturgy St JhnChrys
7 pm Vespers
Saturday, January 18
10 am - 330 pm Home Blessings 

4 pm Confessions
4 pm Choir Rehearsal
5 pm Great Vespers
Sunday, January 19
9 am Church School & Adult Ed
940 am Hours
10 am Divine Liturgy St JhnChrys
12 NOON Coffee Hour