St Herman's Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Donate to St Herman's!

You can now use your credit card to make a donation to St Herman's! We are now using PayPal as our donation button vendor. Click the "Donate" button and then follow the directions provided to make a donation.

If you do NOT want to setup a PayPal Account, make sure to find the text:

"Don't have a PayPal account? " and click the "Continue" link to donate using just a credit card.

Please pay close attention to where you put your decimal point in the number! 

All donations are fully tax deductible..

Thank you for your support and God Bless you!

Come and See!

St Herman's Orthodox Church
5355 38th Ave So; Minneapolis, MN 55417
Detailed Map

Upcoming Services

Wednesday, October 16
7 pm Daily Vespers
Thursday, October 17
Prophet Hosea & St Andrew of Crete
610 am Hours
630 am Divine Liturgy St JhnChrys
Friday, October 18
7 pm Akathist for the Departed
Saturday, October 19
Soul Saturday
1030 am - 12 NOON Catechism Class (open to everyone) FALL Session II.1/3
4 pm Choir Rehearsal
430 pm Confessions
5 pm Great Vespers