St Herman's Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Holy Fire from the Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem was brought to St Herman's and burns on our altar and on our
The Holy Fire from the Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem was brought to St Herman's and burns on our altar and on our "Golgotha" Table.
The Holy Fire from the Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem was brought to St Herman's and burns on our altar and on our "Golgotha" Table.
October 13, 2024

OUR SUNDAY MORNINGS now begin with Church School and Adult Ed at 9 am. Hours for the Divine Liturgy are at 940 am, and the Divine Liturgy begins with ‘Blessed is the Kingdom …’ at 10 am.

ADULT ED this morning (9 am) features a SLIDE SHOW PRESENTATION on the ancient history of Hellas as the backdrop for Rob & Dawn’s trip to Greece this summer. They followed the missionary journeys of St Paul. The next two Sundays (Oct 20 & 27), Cindy will present on the writings in the period between the last book of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

THURSDAY MORNING DIVINE LITURGY this week. Hours at 610 am, Divine Liturgy at 630 am.

OUR CATECHISM CLASS continues with another three week session beginning next Saturday, Oct 19, from 1030 am – 12 Noon. The class schedule is on our St Herman’s website calendar. The class is open to everyone. Attending the class is required of all catechumens. If you can’t attend in person or on zoom, please view the recordings uploaded to our St Herman’s YouTube channel.

ST HERMAN’S PARISH SCHOOL OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY holds class tomorrow evening, Monday, Oct 14. Archbishop Daniel will be our guest lecturer on Feb 17. He will speak on the topic: ‘The Vision of the Church Hidden in the Canons.’ Our vice-chancellor, Fr Esteban Vasquez, will be accompanying His Eminence, and will present a response to the talk of Archbishop Daniel. Then our Archbishop, Fr Esteban and Fr Paul will form a panel to lead a discussion with all those present on the topic presented.

BEGINNING CLASSICAL GREEK, taught by Isaac Sommers, begins classes this Tuesday, Oct 15, in the basement. Learning classical Greek will enable us to work with the Septuagint Greek, as well as with the Greek of the New Testament and the holy fathers. There are required texts that students will need to purchase. Talk with Isaac if you are interested and have not yet indicated your interest.


DEAN VISITS. On October 29 - 31, Fr Paul & Mother Nancy will visit Fargo for DMD business, and our Chapel in Pierre, SD.

The website for our ST HERMAN’S ANNUAL MITTEL-EUROPEAN fund-raising dinner on Saturday, Nov 2, at 6 pm, is up and running. It features Gene’s delicious Czechoslovakian Goulash. Tickets are now available for purchase. Invite your friends, family, neighbors. It is more than a fund-raiser. It’s also a delightful evening of delicious food and fellowship.

PARISH COUNCIL holds its next meeting on Tuesday, Oct 22, at 7 pm.

FR PAUL & PETER TABELING attended the Diocesan Assembly in Mogadore, OH this last week. The Diocesan Administrative office is undergoing re-structuring. This includes a full-time Diocesan Chancellor, a newly appointed secretary to the Archbishop, a newly appointed bookkeeper, a new Treasurer, and more clearly delineated departments for administering diocesan Church life.

Back of the Bulletin

Portaitissa Miracle-Working Icon, Iveron Monastery, Mt Athos
Portaitissa Miracle-Working Icon, Iveron Monastery, Mt Athos
Portaitissa Miracle-Working Icon, Iveron Monastery, Mt Athos
October 13, 2024

Church. Those on the other hand who misunderstand the Theotokos,
and who distort or ignore Her role and significance, fundamentally
misunderstand and distort the Christian Faith as a whole. Without
continuous reference to the Theotokos in the history of salvation and in
the life of the Church, there can be no genuine devotion or theology.
Only a reductive and impoverished rendering of the Christian Faith
could exclude the Mother of God from the Church’s life and experience,
including its theology, which is faithful and inspired reflection on the
experience of salvation in Christ.
…Devotion to the Theotokos has always been an essential part of the
Church’s inner life, the heart and soul of its spiritual and mystical tradition.
Here, too, we see the integral unity of spirituality and theology, since the
Church’s extraordinary love for and devotion to the Theotokos flows directly
from the doctrine of the Incarnation. But such devotion, precisely because it
is a mystery, has always been covered by the modesty appropriate to the
soul’s life of intimacy with God, and thus has never been part of the Church’s
public proclamation.
Introduction to Mother of the Light. Prayers to the Theotokos, pp. ix & x

Come and See!

St Herman's Orthodox Church
5355 38th Ave So; Minneapolis, MN 55417
Detailed Map

Upcoming Services

Wednesday, October 16
7 pm Daily Vespers
Thursday, October 17
Prophet Hosea & St Andrew of Crete
610 am Hours
630 am Divine Liturgy St JhnChrys
Friday, October 18
7 pm Akathist for the Departed
Saturday, October 19
Soul Saturday
1030 am - 12 NOON Catechism Class (open to everyone) FALL Session II.1/3
4 pm Choir Rehearsal
430 pm Confessions
5 pm Great Vespers