St Herman's Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wot's Hoppen'd and Wot's Hoppenin' at St Herman's

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Mittel European Dinner, Nov 7, 2015

Imported Chef Gene George
Imported Chef Gene George
Imported Chef Gene George
Joe pours out a good wine to bring out a really good meal!
Joe pours out a good wine to bring out a really good meal!
Joe pours out a good wine to bring out a really good meal!

St Herman's annual Mittel European Dinner, featuring imported Chef Gene George's ghoulash ambrosia from his Czechoslovokian ancestry, marinated beef with spices over noodles, was served on the evening of November 7. Gene was a member of St Herman's when he and his wife lived in Minneapolis. They moved to Duluth a few years ago just so we could call him our imported chef and make an already scrumptuous dish scrumptuouser. 

Remember, small servings mean more food for the servers afterward!
Remember, small servings mean more food for the servers afterward!
Remember, small servings mean more food for the servers afterward!
Gene had to ride herd on the kitchen help
Gene had to ride herd on the kitchen help
Gene had to ride herd on the kitchen help
A bit o' wine gladdens the heart and preps the belly for a really good meal!
A bit o' wine gladdens the heart and preps the belly for a really good meal!
A bit o' wine gladdens the heart and preps the belly for a really good meal!
Pilgrimage to Holy Dormition 2015

This was our 10th annual pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, MI. Our first pilgrimage was in 2006. These have become a highlight in the life of our parish. 

Our pilgrimage is always from Monday to Thursday the last of July. Sometimes, it spills over into the first days of August. We go to help the Mothers & Sisters prepare the grounds and buildings for their patronal feast on August 15. But, we also go for the purpose of getting a taste of monastic life. The few days we are there, we enter into the rhythm of the monastic life to the degree we are able: eating, praying and working with the mothers and sisters. 

Events - 2013

Advent (St Philip\'s Fast) at St Herman\'s

The Advent Wreath

"Mother" Nancy and the children put the ingredients together for the Advent Wreath
"Mother" Nancy and the children put the ingredients together for the Advent Wreath
Now, they roll the mixture into ropes, which they will braid together to form the wreath
Now, they roll the mixture into ropes, which they will braid together to form the wreath
Now, they roll the mixture into ropes, which they will braid together to form the wreath
We light one candle each Sunday of Advent until by Christmas Day, all six candles are lit!
We light one candle each Sunday of Advent until by Christmas Day, all six candles are lit!
We light one candle each Sunday of Advent until by Christmas Day, all six candles are lit!

One of our cherished local traditions at St Herman's is the "Advent Wreath". During the "Nativity" or "St Philip's" Fast, the six weeks before Christmas when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ with increased prayer and fasting, we mark the six Sundays of "Advent", the six Sundays of the "Coming" of Christ into the world, by making an Advent Wreath out of flour, salt and water. We then place six candles into the Advent Wreath. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, we light one candle each Sunday of Advent as we read verses taken from the feasts of Advent (Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple, St Nicholas, St Herman of Alaska) and the Forefeast of Christmas, so that by Christmas Day, all six candles are lit.

Today, we lit three candles and rang the bell three times. That means there are three candles unlit. That means three Sundays to Christmas!

The children read the verses
The children read the verses
The children read the verses
We lit three candles. Three Sundays to Christmas!
We lit three candles. Three Sundays to Christmas!
We lit three candles. Three Sundays to Christmas!
And, we rang the bell three times!
And, we rang the bell three times!
And, we rang the bell three times!
SHY Carolers

SHY folk know how to sing Christmas Carols!
SHY folk know how to sing Christmas Carols!
SHY folk know how to sing Christmas Carols!

St Herman's Young Adults are SHY. But, they often overcome their shyness by getting together to do fun things. Sunday afternoon, Dec 15, they met at the home of Fr Paul & Presbytera before setting out to carol at the neighbors with Christmas carols. One of the neighbors threw some delicious mocha chocolate cookies at them! 

Then, they returned to the home of Fr Paul & Presbytera and caroled some carols at Fr Paul & Presbytera for some delicious pizza, home-made by Fr Paul, and they sat in front of a warm fire in the wood-stove, as  they ate and talked about important things 

St Nicholas Day!

Mooky Kook - St Nicholas' Helper
Mooky Kook - St Nicholas' Helper
Mooky Kook - St Nicholas' Helper

St Nicholas Day (Dec 6) at St Herman's is an "event"! How many adults are walking around with severe psychological disorders because of the trauma they experienced as a little child when they learned that Santa Claus is a fairy tale?

No such adults walking around at St Herman's, because we know that Santa Claus is not a fairy tale. He's real. But "Santa Claus" is a corruption (as it passed through several languages into English) of his real name, which is ST NICHOLAS! The real Santa Claus, St Nicholas, was a saintly bishop of the Orthodox Church in the early fourth century. We have pictures - we call them icons - of the real Santa Claus, St Nicholas, all over our Church. They show him not as a jolly old elf with a stomach that shakes when he laughs like a bowl full of jelly. They show him as a man of noble bearing, not fat but slender, because of all the fasting he did. 

We have a parishioner whose "other" name is Mooky Kook. Her husband tells us its eskimo for, "Are you crazy?" but she tells us it's eskimo for, "St Nicholas' Helper." Every year, Mooky Kook works hard to help St Nicholas deliver gifts to the children of St Herman's. For her, it's a labor of love; and we love her for it. Hey, thanks, Mooky Kook! We're CRAZY for you!

A Normal Sunday

Will she find Jerusalem?
Will she find Jerusalem?
Will she find Jerusalem?
Who can find Minneapolis?
Who can find Minneapolis?
Who can find Minneapolis?
Blessing the food at coffee hour while hugging!
Blessing the food at coffee hour while hugging!
Blessing the food at coffee hour while hugging!

November 10, 2013

Church School and Adult Bible Study/Religious Education begins at 9 am sharp each Sunday morning with an opening. Fr Paul meets with everybody and gives a short lesson before we break to our classes. On this particular morning, the children heard the story of a whole bunch of candles that get lit at every Pascha without matches, and without lighters! It happens in Jerusalem. It's called the "Holy Fire" that descends on the candle of the Orthodox Patriarch when he descends into the tomb of Christ on Great and Holy Saturday. He then brings the "Holy Fire" out on his lit candle and spreads it to all the faithful gathered around Christ's Holy Tomb.

In these pictures, Madeline is finding Jerusalem on the globe. Next, Fr Paul is looking for someone who can find Minneapolis. The Mission - is it possible or impossible? - is this: Tell us how the Orthodox Faith got frrom Jerusalem to Minneapolis. The children are on the case and they'll let us know at a Church School opening very soon!

Baptisms and Chrismations

2013 has been a year full of baptisms and Chrismations!

(Another is yet to make his/her appearance - scheduled to appear on St Nicholas Day!)

Doug, Maureen, Miriam and Corinne were received on April 27
Doug, Maureen, Miriam and Corinne were received on April 27
Doug, Maureen, Miriam and Corinne were received on April 27
Jocelyn was baptized and chrismated on May 19
Jocelyn was baptized and chrismated on May 19
Jocelyn was baptized and chrismated on May 19
Richard Gregory was baptized and chrismated on August 13
Richard Gregory was baptized and chrismated on August 13
Richard Gregory was baptized and chrismated on August 13

Lillian Jane was baptized on Sept 14
Lillian Jane was baptized on Sept 14
Lillian Jane was baptized on Sept 14
George was baptized March 31
George was baptized March 31
George was baptized March 31
Nektarios was baptized on August 18
Nektarios was baptized on August 18
Nektarios was baptized on August 18
Holy Dormition Pilgrimage 2013

Pilgrims 2013
Pilgrims 2013
Pilgrims 2013

This was our 8th annual pilgrimage to Holy Dormition monastery in Rives Junction, MI. As always, we worked wherever the mothers directed us, to help them prepare for their patronal feast and all the guests they expect on Aug 15. This was a special pilgrimage because we realized that this is most likely the last time we will see Fr Roman before he passes over to the Kingdom of Heaven. For some of us, this was the first time we got to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Katholicon - Monastery Church. And this is the beginning of a new picture-taking tradition. Our group pictures henceforth will be on the steps of the newly consecrated Church.

This Year\'s Chili Cook-Off Champ

This Year's Wearer of the Apron (WA) is Laurie Rother!
This Year's Wearer of the Apron (WA) is Laurie Rother!
This Year's Wearer of the Apron (WA) is Laurie Rother!


That 's short for: Congratulations, 2013 Chili Cook-Off Champion!

The origins of the Chili Cook-Off are shrouded in mystery. Some maintain it began in 2001; others think it was maybe 2003. Others, still, think maybe it began in, like, maybe 1899, then went into a kind of hiatus until it was revived at St Herman's sometime towards the end of the 20th or at the beginning of the 21st century.


It's been going for a while; and, so far, we have yet to have a repeat champion!

This year's Chili Cook-Off was conducted at the Sunday Coffee Hour on March 3. Competition was stiffly competitive. Eleven entries vied for top honors. But none could unseat our own Laurie Rother. Congratulations to this year's winner of the Chili Cook-Off Apron (WCCA - close to NCAA but there's no basketball!): Laurie Rother!

Here's Laurie’s Winning! Chili Recipe (LW!CR!), that she now retires (meaning that Fr Paul may use it next year for his entry!)


  • 1 pound pinto beans
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 6 shallots, chopped
  • 1 7-ounce can green chiles, seeded, chopped and drained
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 pounds chopped sirloin or round steak
  • 1 pound pork sausage
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 pound can baked beans
  • 1 4-ounce can pimentos
  • 3 pounds fresh tomatoes, chopped, skin off
  • 3/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 sweet red pepper, chopped (optional)
  • 1 hot red pepper, chopped
  • 2 cups pitted ripe olives, chopped
  • 1/2 cup minced parsley
  • 1 12-ounce bottle chili sauce
  • Salt
  • 1 tablespoon garlic salt
  • 2 tablespoons pepper
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 4 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 cups sour cream (1 pint)


Wash pinto beans, soak overnight in water to cover. Bring to a boil in soaking water and lower heat. Simmer covered for 3 hours until tender. Drain. melt butter in skillet, add onions, shallots, chiles and garlic. Saute until onion is soft. Add chopped sirloin and cook over moderate heat until meat is brown. In a separate pan, brown sausage, pour off grease and add to meat-onion mixture. Stir flour into meat mixture and blend. Put meat mixture into a pot. Add beans, pimento, tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, sweet and hot peppers, olives, parsley and chili sauce. Bring to a boil, lower heat an simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Add salt to taste, garlic salt, pepper, coriander, oregano and chili powder. Simmer uncovered for 1 1/4 hours, stirring occasionally. Skim off grease. Before serving remove from heat, stir in sour cream and return to low heat to heat through.

Events 2012

Church Consecration - Holy Dormition Monastery

Mother Abbess Gabriella Abbess' Chair, donated by St Herman's faithful
Mother Abbess Gabriella Abbess' Chair, donated by St Herman's faithful
Mother Abbess Gabriella Abbess' Chair, donated by St Herman's faithful
The Pantocrator in the new Church
The Pantocrator in the new Church
The Pantocrator in the new Church
The Iconostasis and iconography in the altar
The Iconostasis and iconography in the altar
The Iconostasis and iconography in the altar
Fr Paul & Presbytera, along with two of their children, Katie and Nicholas, were honored by an invitation from Holy Dormition Monastery to participate in the services for the consecration of their newly built Church. These took place on Friday evening and Saturday morning, Oct 5 & 6. Oct 5, it turns out, was Katie's 18th birthday! Her birthday gift was a an airplane ride from MSP to Lansing, sitting near the front of the plane (with Nicholas and Mom). Fr Paul picked them up at the Lansing airport. He had set out the day before by car and drove through the UP to be at Lansing airport in time to pick them up. They returned to Minneapolis by way of the SS Badger. They spent the night in a couple state rooms on the Badger. What a way for Katie to celebrate her 18th birthday! The mothers of the monastery made her a cake and sang happy birthday to her, along with some of the guests, on Friday night, after the Friday evening services were over.
Monastery Pilgrimage 2012

Fr Paul snaps!
Fr Paul snaps!
Fr Paul snaps!
And a pilgrims' picture gets
And a pilgrims' picture gets "tooken"!
And a pilgrims' picture gets "tooken"!
Our 7th pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, MI, took place Aug 1 - 3. Twenty five faithful became pilgrims for a week, helping the mothers and sisters of the monastery to prepare the grounds and building for their patronal feast on Aug 15, and for the consecration of their new church on Oct 6.
A Wedding!

The newly crowned Jonathan & Mary Peasley (nee Nelson)
The newly crowned Jonathan & Mary Peasley (nee Nelson)
The newly crowned Jonathan & Mary Peasley (nee Nelson)
Parishioners Nick (Fr Paul's son) and Billie were there for the wedding - and the reception afterwards!
Parishioners Nick (Fr Paul's son) and Billie were there for the wedding - and the reception afterwards!
Parishioners Nick (Fr Paul's son) and Billie were there for the wedding - and the reception afterwards!
Presbytera Nancy was happy to show off her new shoes, hoping to start a new fad for clergy wives' wear
Presbytera Nancy was happy to show off her new shoes, hoping to start a new fad for clergy wives' wear
Presbytera Nancy was happy to show off her new shoes, hoping to start a new fad for clergy wives' wear
On the last Sunday of June, 2012, St Herman's parishioner, Jonathan, wed his sweetheart, Mary, whose family hails from Vermillion, South Dakota. And so, the wedding was performed at Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Sioux Falls, so that Mary's family could be there. Thank you to Fr Sava and the faithful of Holy Transfiguration for their gracious hospitality! Congratulations to Jonathan and Mary!

Hannah and Katie made some hay at the Nelson farm, where the wedding reception was held
Hannah and Katie made some hay at the Nelson farm, where the wedding reception was held
Hannah and Katie made some hay at the Nelson farm, where the wedding reception was held
Graham and Sonia remind Nicholas that they are just a month away from their one year wedding anniversary!
Graham and Sonia remind Nicholas that they are just a month away from their one year wedding anniversary!
Graham and Sonia remind Nicholas that they are just a month away from their one year wedding anniversary!
Pascha 2012

The tomb transfigured by the Resurrection
The tomb transfigured by the Resurrection
The tomb transfigured by the Resurrection
Reading the Gospel from St John
Reading the Gospel from St John
Reading the Gospel from St John
The Church is aglow with sunshine and burning candles
The Church is aglow with sunshine and burning candles
The Church is aglow with sunshine and burning candles
Agape Vespers for Pascha Sunday Afternoon
After the midnight service celebrating the Holy Resurrection of Christ, we serve Agape Vespers that Sunday afternoon, and we continue to bask in the joy of the Feast.

We read the Gospel from St John, recounting the doubt of St Thomas.

Entrance of the Gospel
Entrance of the Gospel
Entrance of the Gospel
"That we may be accounted worthy to listen to the Holy Gospel! Peace be unto all!"
"That we may be accounted worthy to listen to the Holy Gospel! Peace be unto all!"
We process around the Church, proclaiming the Gospel in different languages
We process around the Church, proclaiming the Gospel in different languages
We process around the Church, proclaiming the Gospel in different languages
At the end of the Agape Vespers of Pascha Sunday, we make a procession outside around the Church, stopping to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus' Resurrection in different languages; i.e., to all the world.

First Archpastoral Visit of His Grace, Bp Matthias to St Herman\'s

Fr Paul welcomes +Matthias to St Herman's
Fr Paul welcomes +Matthias to St Herman's
Fr Paul welcomes +Matthias to St Herman's
Ekatarina at the Chalice
Ekatarina at the Chalice
Ekatarina at the Chalice
Teresa's husband, Myron, took the pix. Thank you, Myron!
Teresa's husband, Myron, took the pix. Thank you, Myron!
Teresa's husband, Myron, took the pix. Thank you, Myron!
The faithful of St Herman's welcomed the Right Reverend Matthias, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest, to St Herman's on Feb 19. His Grace was consecrated as Bishop of the Diocese of the Midwest in May of 2011. This was his first visit to St Herman's as newly consecrated hierarch.

His Grace, Bishop Matthias, awarded Fr Paul the jeweled cross for his work both at St Herman's and as Dean of the Minneapolis Deanery
Events - 2011

Pilgrimage to Mt Athos

Mt Athos Pilgrims 2011
Mt Athos Pilgrims 2011
Mt Athos Pilgrims 2011
For 10 days over the end of May and the beginning of June, Fr Paul joined three of his brothers - Fr Tom Begley (St George Anticohian), Fr Rick Andrews (St George Greek), Fr Tim Sas (Twelve Apostles in Duluth) -  together with Harry Boosalis and Paul Karos on a pilgrimage to Mt Athos. The trip was memorable for many reasons. What made it special was traveling with his brothers, with Harry and with Paul.

Waterfront of Thessaloniki
Waterfront of Thessaloniki
Waterfront of Thessaloniki
Pulpit where St Gregory Palamas preached
Pulpit where St Gregory Palamas preached
Pulpit where St Gregory Palamas preached
Relics of St Gregory Palamas
Relics of St Gregory Palamas
Relics of St Gregory Palamas

The pilgrimage began with a flight to Toronto, then to Rome, then to Thessaloniki. There, they venerated the relics of St Gregory Palamas, and enjoyed some chimays (Greek beer) at the waterfront!

Iveron from Stavronikita
Iveron from Stavronikita
Iveron from Stavronikita
On the ferry to the Holy Mountani
On the ferry to the Holy Mountani
On the ferry to the Holy Mountani
Hiking the Holy Mountain
Hiking the Holy Mountain
Hiking the Holy Mountain
The next day, they took the bus to the ferry, and the ferry to the Holy Mountain. They were guests at Iveron Monastery.

At the hut of Elder Paisios
At the hut of Elder Paisios
At the hut of Elder Paisios
Drinking from the freshwater spring, 20 yards from the sea, where the Portaitissa icon was brought to shore
Drinking from the freshwater spring, 20 yards from the sea, where the Portaitissa icon was brought to shore
Drinking from the freshwater spring, 20 yards from the sea, where the Portaitissa icon was brought to shore
Sympatico - Fr Tim's brother is married to Fr Paul's daughter
Sympatico - Fr Tim's brother is married to Fr Paul's daughter
Sympatico - Fr Tim's brother is married to Fr Paul's daughter
Pardun Moi - A Wedding

Entrer the Bride
Entrer the Bride
Entrer the Bride
Graham and Sonia do the wedding Dance
Graham and Sonia do the wedding Dance
Graham and Sonia do the wedding Dance
Pardon, but this be Mr and Mrs. Pardun!
Pardon, but this be Mr and Mrs. Pardun!
Pardon, but this be Mr and Mrs. Pardun!
On July 31, Graham Pardun wed his sweetheart, Sonia Wegsheid, which to be sure will go down as the most intelligent thing he ever did in his life.

Only a week before, on July 23, Sonia was received into the Orthodox Church through the sacraments of confession and Holy Chrismation. Her sponsor was Emily.
Pardon Moi, Too - Good Grief! Another Wedding!

Mark and his brudder, Best Man Nicholas
Mark and his brudder, Best Man Nicholas
Mark and his brudder, Best Man Nicholas

Remember Mark, Fr Paul and Presbytera's middle son, who was accepting applications from any gorgeous female for to be his wife? (Scroll down and read all about it!)

Just Married - Mr Mark and Nadia (nee Rusinak) Wesche
Just Married - Mr Mark and Nadia (nee Rusinak) Wesche
Just Married - Mr Mark and Nadia (nee Rusinak) Wesche

The Application has been filled.

Mark and his sweetie, Nadia, were married at St Mary's Cathedral on Dec 30 - just in time for Mark to be taken off his parents' taxes as a tax deductible dependent (thanks, Mark!).

The newlyweds upped and moved to Colorado the day after the wedding, where Nadia is in medical school. Mark is starting his own business.
The Groom imparts last minute advice to his nephew, Henry
The Groom imparts last minute advice to his nephew, Henry
The Groom imparts last minute advice to his nephew, Henry
As you can see, my uncles are great squirrel catchers. They're nuts!
As you can see, my uncles are great squirrel catchers. They're nuts!
As you can see, my uncles are great squirrel catchers. They're nuts!
Off to Denver! They walked! Just kidding!
Off to Denver! They walked! Just kidding!
Off to Denver! They walked! Just kidding!
Events - 2010

Seminarian Robert

St Herman parishioner, Robert Gauvain, packed his bags this last August of 2010 and moved with his family to Pennsylvania to begin studies as a first year seminary student at St Tikhon's. He is enrolled in the M.Div. program. Here, he stands in the cassock he has just been blessed to wear with his wife, Elizabeth, his children, Alexei, Xenia and Vernoica Zoe, and with Fr Nilus of St Tikhon's.

2010 Pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery

Here are the pilgrims that participated in our 2010 pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery, July 27-29 in Rives Junction, Michigan. There were 24 of us!
Chrismations in 2010

Emily and newly Chrismated Giulia
Emily and newly Chrismated Giulia
Emily and newly Chrismated Giulia
Newly Chrismated Laura and her sponsor, Rachel
Newly Chrismated Laura and her sponsor, Rachel
Newly Chrismated Laura and her sponsor, Rachel

St Herman's was honored and delighted to receive three converts into the Orthodox Church through confession of faith and Chrismation on Lazarus Saturday, March 27, 2010.

Giulia was born and baptized in the Catholic Church and wandered through different Protestant and Evangelical groups before finding the Orthodox Church. Her sponsor is Emily Johnson, who was herself received into the Church also through confession and Chrismation only a few years ago.

Laura is a convert from the Lutheran tradition. She is engaged to be married to Alex, a parishioner of St Herman's currently serving in Japan in the marines. They plan to be married at St Herman's this July. Her sponsor was Rachel, also a convert.

Justin, too, was born and baptized in the Catholic Church and wandered through different Protestant and Evangelical groups before finding the Orthodox Church over a year ago. His sponsor is Brad, also a convert.

That's not Grizzly Adams. That's Justin and his sponsor, Brad.
That's not Grizzly Adams. That's Justin and his sponsor, Brad.
That's not Grizzly Adams. That's Justin and his sponsor, Brad.
It is always a joy to receive more faithful into the Church.
It is always a joy to receive more faithful into the Church.
It is always a joy to receive more faithful into the Church.
Events - 2009

Archbishop Job Falls Asleep in the Lord

A beautiful, sweet sadness
A beautiful, sweet sadness
A beautiful, sweet sadness
Carrying His Eminence in Procession to the Hearst
Carrying His Eminence in Procession to the Hearst
Carrying His Eminence in Procession to the Hearst
Archbishop Job fell asleep in the Lord unexpectedly on Friday, Dec 18, 2009. Fr Paul, together with his sons Mark and Nicholas, were able to attend his funeral services at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago on Dec 22 and 23. Archbishop Job's passing is a huge shock. He was very much loved by the faithful and by his pastors. May his memory be eternal.
2009 Pilgrimage

2009 Pilgrims
2009 Pilgrims
2009 Pilgrims
Fr Paul sermonizes wherever he can
Fr Paul sermonizes wherever he can
Fr Paul sermonizes wherever he can
Presbytera also makes good use of the time
Presbytera also makes good use of the time
Presbytera also makes good use of the time
Eighteen parishioners made their way to the Dormition of the Mother of God monastery in Rives Junction, MI for St Herman's fourth annual pilgrimage, July 28-30. A typical day begins at 5 am with Matins and the hours, followed by Typica or Divine Liturgy. After breakfast with the mothers and sisters, we tackle whatever jobs Mother Abbess Gabriella gives to us. We break for lunch, then we go back to work until Vespers at 5 pm. Dinner follows Vespers and the evening is free to collapse in our guest rooms, or to stroll the beautiful monastery gorunds, or to sit outside and enjoy friendly conversation. 

The girls worked hard weeding the flower bed
The girls worked hard weeding the flower bed
The girls worked hard weeding the flower bed
And the men worked hard to keep the trailer from blowing away in the breeze.
And the men worked hard to keep the trailer from blowing away in the breeze.
And the men worked hard to keep the trailer from blowing away in the breeze.
Mark kept a close eye out for lunch time
Mark kept a close eye out for lunch time
Mark kept a close eye out for lunch time
Sean and Rachel Are Wed

Bride's parents, Morris and Wendy Johnson
Bride's parents, Morris and Wendy Johnson
Bride's parents, Morris and Wendy Johnson
The Bridal Couple, Sean and Rachel
The Bridal Couple, Sean and Rachel
The Bridal Couple, Sean and Rachel
Groom's Parents, Fr Paul & Presbytera. After the weddings of two of his five kids in one summer, Fr Paul was asked if he was all
Groom's Parents, Fr Paul & Presbytera. After the weddings of two of his five kids in one summer, Fr Paul was asked if he was all "weddinged out"? "No, I'd actually like to see at least a couple more!" he replied.
Groom's Parents, Fr Paul & Presbytera. After the weddings of two of his five kids in one summer, Fr Paul was asked if he was all "weddinged out"? "No, I'd actually like to see at least a couple more!" he replied.

The engagement of Sean Wesche and Rachel Johnson (scroll down and you can read about their engagement here!) came to a very joyous end on Sunday, July 26, 2009, when the two lovebirds were married at St Herman's at 330 in the afternoon. Fr Brian Andrew Jaye, pastor of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Anoka, and Fr Vladimir Lecko (attached to St Herman's) officiated.

Down the aisle with Dad
Down the aisle with Dad
Down the aisle with Dad
A full moment
A full moment
A full moment
A happy groom, a grateful father
A happy groom, a grateful father
A happy groom, a grateful father

Trying to look happy....and succeeding rather well!
Trying to look happy....and succeeding rather well!
Trying to look happy....and succeeding rather well!
The Crowning Ceremony
The Crowning Ceremony
The Crowning Ceremony
The Common Cup
The Common Cup
The Common Cup

Exchange of the Crowns
Exchange of the Crowns
Exchange of the Crowns
The Dance of the Martyrs Crowned
The Dance of the Martyrs Crowned
The Dance of the Martyrs Crowned
Mushy! Mushy!
Mushy! Mushy!
Mushy! Mushy!

Suddenly, everything's turning up rose petals!
Suddenly, everything's turning up rose petals!
Suddenly, everything's turning up rose petals!
The first dance of Mr and Mrs Sean Wesche
The first dance of Mr and Mrs Sean Wesche
The first dance of Mr and Mrs Sean Wesche
Sean wows his Mom with a nifty dance move
Sean wows his Mom with a nifty dance move
Sean wows his Mom with a nifty dance move

Inspired by the inspiring romances of his older brother and older sister (Christina was wed on May 24 - scroll down and read all about it!), Mark is re-thinking romance and is now accepting applications for any unattached female romantics. Any gorgeous female interested may submit her application to his mother!
St Herman\'s Summer Campers

Nick, Nick, Mark, Lizzie, Alexa, Sean, Katie & [Princess] Alena Gabriella
Nick, Nick, Mark, Lizzie, Alexa, Sean, Katie & [Princess] Alena Gabriella
Nick, Nick, Mark, Lizzie, Alexa, Sean, Katie & [Princess] Alena Gabriella

St Herman's sent eight of its finest young people to St Mary's Summer Church Camp at Lake Wapogasset in Amery, Wi this summer, and they had a great time. Nick the older and his brothers Mark and Sean, together with Lizzie were counselors. Nick the younger, together with Alexa, Katie and our own Romanian Princess Alena Gabriella were campers. No doubt, the presence of these fine young people is a huge reason why this year's summer camp was such a success! Will they go again next summer? You betcha! 

Baptism of Natalie Mary

Matthew & Becca are the Godparents
Matthew & Becca are the Godparents
Matthew & Becca are the Godparents
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit;
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit;
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit;
Mom helped put on the Robe of Light
Mom helped put on the Robe of Light
Mom helped put on the Robe of Light
St Herman's faithful were honored to participate in the baptism of Natalie Mary, the daughter of Richard and Svetlena Jones, on Sunday, May 31, during the Divine Liturgy. Congratulations to the godparents, Matthew and Becca, to the grandparents and to all the family and friends of Natalie.
A Beautiful and Royal Wedding

On May 24, 2009, Christina Michelle Wesche, the daughter of Fr Paul & Presbytera Nancy Wesche, was married to Mr. Emanuel Olimpiu Sas, the son of Fr Aurel and Presbytera Lidia Sas. Fr Aurel and Lidia serve a Romanian Orthodox parish in Las Vegas, NV. Two of Emanuel's three brothers are also priest. Fr Tim, who serves a Greek Orthodox parish in Duluth, MN, and Fr Cyprian, who serves a Greek Orthodox parish in Cedar Rapids, IA, served the wedding along with Fr Vladimir Lecko, a close friend of the Wesche family, and a kind of adopted grandfather to the Wesche kids. Fr Jonathan and Presbytera Vera Proctor (they serve Holy Trinity Orthodox parish (OCA) in St Paul, MN) were the godparents for the bridal couple.

A special dignity adheres to the children of priests, and so this was a royal wedding of Princess Christina to her Prince Emanuel.

The Bride
The Bride
The Bride
The Newlyweds
The Newlyweds
The Newlyweds
The Groom
The Groom
The Groom

Emanuel waits for his bride
Emanuel waits for his bride
Emanuel waits for his bride
Here comes the bride! (Hmmm, kinda catchy; someone should make it into a tune!)
Here comes the bride! (Hmmm, kinda catchy; someone should make it into a tune!)
Here comes the bride! (Hmmm, kinda catchy; someone should make it into a tune!)
Fr Tim performs the Betrothal
Fr Tim performs the Betrothal
Fr Tim performs the Betrothal

O Lord, crown them with glory and honor!
O Lord, crown them with glory and honor!
O Lord, crown them with glory and honor!
The beginning of the
The beginning of the "Martyrs' Joy"!
The beginning of the "Martyrs' Joy"!
The Dance of the newly crowned martyrs
The Dance of the newly crowned martyrs
The Dance of the newly crowned martyrs

Emanuel with his new in-laws
Emanuel with his new in-laws
Emanuel with his new in-laws
Off to the reception (Hey, where'd the Porsche come from?)
Off to the reception (Hey, where'd the Porsche come from?)
Off to the reception (Hey, where'd the Porsche come from?)
Christina with her new in-laws (Does that make Fr Paul her
Christina with her new in-laws (Does that make Fr Paul her "out-law"?)
Christina with her new in-laws (Does that make Fr Paul her "out-law"?)

The wedding cake was delicious!
The wedding cake was delicious!
The wedding cake was delicious!
Mr and Mrs Sas dance their first dance as man and wife
Mr and Mrs Sas dance their first dance as man and wife
Mr and Mrs Sas dance their first dance as man and wife
The kids had a great time, too
The kids had a great time, too
The kids had a great time, too
Events - 2008

Another Engagement?!

No doubt, this picture was Rachel's idea
No doubt, this picture was Rachel's idea
No doubt, this picture was Rachel's idea
The newly engaged couple
The newly engaged couple
The newly engaged couple
Rachel could sing off key (not that she ever would) and her voice would still be music to Sean's ears!
Rachel could sing off key (not that she ever would) and her voice would still be music to Sean's ears!
Rachel could sing off key (not that she ever would) and her voice would still be music to Sean's ears!

Fr Paul and Presbytera Nancy have two children who are planning to be married this summer. A few months after their daughter, Christina, was engaged to Mr Emanuel Sas (scroll down to find the announcement of Christina's engagement), their eldest son, Sean Michael, became engaged to a certain Rachel Johnson. They met at St Herman's. Sean did a double-take and fell in love with her on the second take. Rachel demurely concedes that Sean fell in love with her on the first take. To understand the full significance of this, it must be pointed out that Emanuel determined Christina was his God-given bride when he heard her chanting the Scriptures at a Great Vespers service.

It would appear that St Herman has suddenly become a holy match-maker. Young unmarrieds - enter St Herman's with caution!

Sean and Rachel are planning a Sunday, July 26 wedding at 4 pm at St Herman's. (Both Sean and Christina have firmly resisted their father's suggestion that they elope!) Fr Andrew Jaye will perform the sacrament - if, that is, the FBI doesn't catch up with him first.

Two weddings in one summer! Mom is ecstatic; Dad can hardly wait to get everyone out of the house!

Archpastoral Visit

Parish Council Presidente, Gene Rebeck greets Archbishop Job on Sunday morning.
Parish Council Presidente, Gene Rebeck greets Archbishop Job on Sunday morning. "Know you are among faithful who love you," he said to His Eminence.
Parish Council Presidente, Gene Rebeck greets Archbishop Job on Sunday morning. "Know you are among faithful who love you," he said to His Eminence.
Acolyte, Nick Rolston, held the Prayer Book for His Eminence so he could read the prayers during the
Acolyte, Nick Rolston, held the Prayer Book for His Eminence so he could read the prayers during the "Liturgy of the Word."
Acolyte, Nick Rolston, held the Prayer Book for His Eminence so he could read the prayers during the "Liturgy of the Word."
Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful by His Eminence, Archbishop Job
Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful by His Eminence, Archbishop Job
Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful by His Eminence, Archbishop Job
Archbishop Job paid an Archpastoral visit to St Herman's on March 14 & 15. The specific purpose of his visit was to bestow on Fr Paul the blessing of the Holy Synod to wear the "Palitza", a diamond shaped piece of brocade that hangs from the hip. It symbolizes the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and also the towle with which the Lord girded himself to wash the disciples feet.  According to the Service Book, it is typical of profound zeal for the faith and the salvation of Christ's flock. Archbishop Job encouraged the faithful of St Herman's by saying that such an award reflects on them as much as it does on the priest. Indeed, it reflects on the whole deanery, and even on the bishop, since we are all engaged in the one common work of proclaiming the Gospel to the world.

Nicholas Wesche receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Nicholas Wesche receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Nicholas Wesche receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Caleb Tkach receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Caleb Tkach receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Caleb Tkach receives the blessing to wear the orarion
Nick's younger sister, Katie, and Caleb's younger sister, Hannah, would not admit to being overly awed
Nick's younger sister, Katie, and Caleb's younger sister, Hannah, would not admit to being overly awed
Nick's younger sister, Katie, and Caleb's younger sister, Hannah, would not admit to being overly awed
Archbishop Job took occasion also to bestow on acolytes Nicholas Wesche and Caleb Tkach the blessing to wear the orarion in the Diocese of the Midwest.

Julie and Rachel!
Julie and Rachel!
Julie and Rachel!
Hungry but happy parishioners!
Hungry but happy parishioners!
Hungry but happy parishioners!
Amanda and Joyce!
Amanda and Joyce!
Amanda and Joyce!
In general, twould seem that the faithful were somewhat pleased to welcome Archbishop Job to St Herman's.

Nick and Billie!
Nick and Billie!
Nick and Billie!
Dave and Allen!
Dave and Allen!
Dave and Allen!
Daddy and Danae (Happy Birthday, Danae!)
Daddy and Danae (Happy Birthday, Danae!)
Daddy and Danae (Happy Birthday, Danae!)
Baptism of Aidric Daniel Axvig

Aidric is baptized ...
Aidric is baptized ...
Aidric is baptized ...
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit
The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit
The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Congratulations to Becca and Matthew (and Grandma Laura) on the baptism and chrismation of their first-born son, Aidric Daniel, on Sunday, March 8, during the Divine Liturgy of St Basil. It was also the First Sunday of Great Lent. Sean Wesche and Rachel Johnson (who are planning a July wedding of their own) were the proud godparents. 

Aidric is Churched
Aidric is Churched
Aidric is Churched
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
Newly Baptized & Chrismated Aidric with Mom and Dad
Newly Baptized & Chrismated Aidric with Mom and Dad
Newly Baptized & Chrismated Aidric with Mom and Dad
Pilgrimage to Holy Dormition

Find all 21 pilgrims!
Find all 21 pilgrims!
Find all 21 pilgrims!
Tuesday through Thursday, July 29 - 31, were the days of our 2008 pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, MI. Can you find all 21 pilgrims in the picture at right? 
St Herman\'s Great American Picnic

St Herman's enjoyed another Great American Picnic on Saturday, July 12. Presbytera prepared her delicious chicken dinner. There were delicious pies for dessert; even games for the kids. The chicken dinner was unbelievably delicious. People couldn't believe it. And there was a barbershop quartet of four exceptionally handsome and cool dudes: Sean, Nicholas, Mark and Joshua.

St Herman's Barbershop Quartet crooned and the ladies swooned.
St Herman's Barbershop Quartet crooned and the ladies swooned.
St Herman's Barbershop Quartet crooned and the ladies swooned.
Christina swooned to the tune, I Love You Truly, thinking of her beau, Emanuel.
Christina swooned to the tune, I Love You Truly, thinking of her beau, Emanuel.
Christina swooned to the tune, I Love You Truly, thinking of her beau, Emanuel.
Newly Engaged

Emanuel and Christina
Emanuel and Christina
Emanuel and Christina
The royal parents: Fr Aurel and Presbytera Lidia Sas; Presbytera Nancy and Fr Paul Wesche
The royal parents: Fr Aurel and Presbytera Lidia Sas; Presbytera Nancy and Fr Paul Wesche
The royal parents: Fr Aurel and Presbytera Lidia Sas; Presbytera Nancy and Fr Paul Wesche
Emanuel Sas and Christina Wesche

Christina, daughter of Fr Paul & Presbytera, was officially engaged to Emanuel Sas on Thursday, June 26. Emanuel is the son of Fr Aurel and Presbytera Lydia Sas, priest and presbytera of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Las Vegas. Christina and Emanuel are planning a wedding at St Herman's on Sunday, May 24, at 4 pm. The Very Rev Fr Vladimir Lecko will perform the sacrament.


On Sunday, June 22, the faithful of St Herman's had the joy of receiving Rachel Johnson into the fullness of the Church through the sacraments of confession, Holy Chrismation and Holy Eucharist. Rachel is Emily's sister, who was received through Chrismation last year near the Feast of Holy Dormition. Rachel took for her patron saint the Samaritan woman who, in the Christian Tradition, is known as Photine (Enlightened One).
End of Year Church School Pic-A-Nick

Mark, Nick and Nick
Mark, Nick and Nick
Mark, Nick and Nick

One of these guys is doin' his own thing. Two of these guys are kinda the same.

First, we had to pick a Nick. Nick picked Nick and Nick picked Nick. Once the picked-Nick was Marked, the pic-a-Nick could begin.

Malene and Becca are two Expectant Moms To Be
Malene and Becca are two Expectant Moms To Be
Malene and Becca are two Expectant Moms To Be
Matthew belongs to Becca. Joshua belongs to Malene. On top of that, they both belong to St Herman's EDC: Expectant Dad's Club
Matthew belongs to Becca. Joshua belongs to Malene. On top of that, they both belong to St Herman's EDC: Expectant Dad's Club
Matthew belongs to Becca. Joshua belongs to Malene. On top of that, they both belong to St Herman's EDC: Expectant Dad's Club
Every now and then Matthew breaks out spontaneously into his Expectant Dad pose
Every now and then Matthew breaks out spontaneously into his Expectant Dad pose
Every now and then Matthew breaks out spontaneously into his Expectant Dad pose
The Pic-A-Nick was a celebration to celebrate the end of another great year of Church School and Adult Education. People learned so very many things. They need the summer to digest everything so they can be ready to begin again in the Fall.

Dan and Rachel were the Master Chefs
Dan and Rachel were the Master Chefs
Dan and Rachel were the Master Chefs
It took a while, but finally someone figured out that the dogs have to go ON the grill, or they won't cook
It took a while, but finally someone figured out that the dogs have to go ON the grill, or they won't cook
It took a while, but finally someone figured out that the dogs have to go ON the grill, or they won't cook
The table was set, just in case the chefs got things figured out
The table was set, just in case the chefs got things figured out
The table was set, just in case the chefs got things figured out
The picnic, or rather Pic-A-Nick, took place at Minnehaha Falls, not far from the Church.
Great Lent & Pascha - 2008

Great Lent was rich in spiritual blessings this year. Great Lent began with a Lenten retreat, hosted by St Herman's and Christ the Savior Orthodox Mission Parish in Anoka on Saturday, March 15. The guest speaker was Fr Jonah Paffhausen, abbot of St John Monastery (OCA) in Manton, California. Fr Jonah addressed the participants on Orthodox evangelism or missions. An Orthodox community is established in the Spirit of Christ as the faithful support each other on the inner journey of repentance, each one of the faithful working to root out of oneself all those angers and fears that rob one of love for God and neighbor.  Orthodox Evangelism is rooted in the experience of divine forgiveness and the ability through the grace of God to forgive others. By confronting one's own sins and overcoming them in the grace of Christ, one begins to radiate the love of God, which is what draws people who are seeking genuineness and love. This is the heart of Orthodox evangelism.


The day after the Lenten retreat led by Fr Jonah was the first Sunday of Great Lent. This is called the Sunday of Orthodoxy. On this Sunday, the faithful commemorate the restoration of holy icons in the worship of the Church by the holy fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787, and again in 841. The icon is a form of religious art that follows strict canons so that it is historically and theologically faithful to its holy subjects: Christ, the Theotokos (Mother of God or the Blessed Virgin Mary) and the saints, in whom God rests. The holy fathers of the Seventh  Ecumenical Council called holy icons "mirrors," suggesting that they reflect the spiritual realities of the "Kingdom of Heaven within you." The icon is critical to Orthodox worship and theology because it affirms the reality of the Incarnation. Those who deny the veneration of icons in effect deny the Incarnation of God the Word.

Traditionally, the Orthodox parishes throughout the Twin Cities area come to St Mary's Cathedral in NE Minneapolis to celebrate Orthodoxy Sunday together at the service of Lenten Vespers. Fr Jonah Paffhausen was the guest homilist.

Fr Paul & Mother Gabriella
Fr Paul & Mother Gabriella
Fr Paul & Mother Gabriella

On the weekend of the Veneration of the Cross, St Herman's hosted a Lenten Retreat, led by Mother Gabriella, Abbess of Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, MI. Mother Gabriella addressed us on the topic: "Healing Us of Our Passions by Thy Passion, O Christ Our Savior." Mother Gabriella was with us the next morning also for the Divine Liturgy and for the reception into the Orthodox Faith of Darren and Jessica. Her presence with us was like a lliving icon of the Holy Mother and added richly to the spiritual beauty of the services.


On the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross, we were blessed to receive Darren and Jessica into the Church through Baptism and Chrismation. Darren was baptized and chrismated; Jessica was chrismated. Mother Gabriella, Abbess of Holy Dormition Monastery, was present as well. The beauty of the service can only be described as heavenly. Congratulations to Darren and Jessica!


Two weeks after the Lenten Retreat led by Mother Gabriella and the reception of Darren and Jessica into the Orthodox Faith, we baptized and chrismated the new-born daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Gauvain on the Sunday of St Mary of Egypt, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. Their daughter's name is Veronike Zoe. Her godmother is Malene (Elizabeth) Ford, who is herself expecting her second child in late June!

The three-fold immersion that tells us if she will be a soprano or an alto
The three-fold immersion that tells us if she will be a soprano or an alto
The three-fold immersion that tells us if she will be a soprano or an alto
Big brother, Alexei (Losha) looks on proudly
Big brother, Alexei (Losha) looks on proudly
Big brother, Alexei (Losha) looks on proudly
The tonsuring. (It's hard to tonsure a cue-ball with no hair!) Mom looks on proudly.
The tonsuring. (It's hard to tonsure a cue-ball with no hair!) Mom looks on proudly.
The tonsuring. (It's hard to tonsure a cue-ball with no hair!) Mom looks on proudly.


On Lazarus Saturday, April 19, we received four more catechumens into the Orthodox Faith.

Joe, Matthew and Becca, and Jonathan were received through confession of faith and Holy Chrismation. Joe's chrismated name is Joseph the Betrothed (husband of the Blessed Virgin); Matthew's is Bartholomew, Becca's is Martha, and Jonathan's is John the Righteous.

On Palm Sunday, April 20, we received two more catechumens into the Orthodox Fatih. Phyllis and Robert were received through confession of faith and Holy Chrismation. Phyllis' chrismated name is Marina; Robert's is Joseph the Betrothed.

Great Lent 2008 ended with the reception of eight new converts and one newborn daughter into the Holy Orthodox Church. We are most grateful to God for blessing us with these wonderful people. They have already proven to be a blessing to our parish.

Matthew, Jonathan, Becca and Joe
Matthew, Jonathan, Becca and Joe
Matthew, Jonathan, Becca and Joe
You are washed...
You are washed...
You are washed...
Phyllis and Robert
Phyllis and Robert
Phyllis and Robert


An Orthodox icon is characterized by "inverted perspective." Through this means, the icon draws the viewer into the subject of the icon, and makes the viewer a participator in it. The services of Holy Week and Pascha are a liturgical icon that the faithful of each parish put together. The iconographer subjects his creativity to strict canons and traditions that have been handed down over the centuries so that the icon he produces is faithful to the Worship of the Church in Spirit and in Truth. Even so, the icon he produces is an expression of his own love for the Savior and reveals something of the particular iconographer's own soul. So also the faithful of each parish submit their creativity to the liturgical canons and traditions of the Church to produce their own liturgical icon of Christ's Holy Passion that is faithful to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic tradition of the Church; and yet the liturgical celebration of each parish expresses at the same time something of its parishioners' own soul, and their own love for the Savior.

The tomb of Christ
The tomb of Christ
The tomb of Christ
Through the ascetic disciplines of the Church, we enter into the mystery of Christ's Passion represented by the liturgical icon of the Church's worship services
Through the ascetic disciplines of the Church, we enter into the mystery of Christ's Passion represented by the liturgical icon of the Church's worship services
Through the ascetic disciplines of the Church, we enter into the mystery of Christ's Passion represented by the liturgical icon of the Church's worship services
Mary Kaye and Alena, Mother and daughter, take a shift at the vigil at the tomb, which parishioners keep from Holy Friday afternoon to Pascha night
Mary Kaye and Alena, Mother and daughter, take a shift at the vigil at the tomb, which parishioners keep from Holy Friday afternoon to Pascha night
Mary Kaye and Alena, Mother and daughter, take a shift at the vigil at the tomb, which parishioners keep from Holy Friday afternoon to Pascha night

One might say that the ascetic disciplines of Great Lent function in a way similar to the "inverted perspective" of the Orthodox icon. Through the ascetic disciplines of the Church, each of the faithful is able to enter mystically into the liturgical icon of Christ's Holy Passion that they produce as a parish, under the direction of the Tradition of the Orthodox Church. They make their liturgical icon as beautiful as they can, to express both their love for the Savior and also the mystical beauty of his Holy Passion. They practice the ascetic disciplines of Great Lent according to their strength, so that when they come to the liturgical icon of the Holy Week and Paschal services, they can enter its liturgical rites as through a gate and come into the mystical reality of the spiritual beauty that the liturgical icon renders "incarnate" - i.e., visible, audible, tangible, sensual. It is an icon of the crucified and risen Savior - the Bridegroom who comes at Midnight to give himself to us as food and drink. By means of the "inverted perspective" of the Church's ascetic disciplines, the faithful make their way to the bridal chamber of their heart, and there they prepare themselves to meet the Bridegroom "who comes at Midnight" in the expectant joy of becoming one with Him, and in Him, to become communicants of life eternal, partakers of the divine nature (II Pt 1:4).
At St Herman's, the temple is illumined on Pascha night only by candles - icons of Christ, the Light that shines in the darkness
At St Herman's, the temple is illumined on Pascha night only by candles - icons of Christ, the Light that shines in the darkness
At St Herman's, the temple is illumined on Pascha night only by candles - icons of Christ, the Light that shines in the darkness
Pascha is the Feast of Feasts
Pascha is the Feast of Feasts
Pascha is the Feast of Feasts
A Feast of mystical (hidden) beauty
A Feast of mystical (hidden) beauty
A Feast of mystical (hidden) beauty
Lectures on Byzantine Theology

Fr Paul completed his series of lectures on "The Ontological Vision of Byzantine Theology," sponsored by Twelve Apostles Greek Orthodox Church and St George Serbian Orthodox Church in Duluth, on Tuesday, March 25 and Thursday, April 10.

His lectures looked at the theological vision of the nature of God as that is revealed in the mystery of Christ's incarnation, and what that tells us about who we are, why we are here, and where we are going.

The lectures took place at the College of St Scholastica on the Duluth campus.

Fr Paul plans to offer these lectures at St Herman's in the near future.


Each summer, parisihoners from St Herman's go on a pilgrimage to Holy Dormition Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan. Our pilgrimage in 2008 will be July 29 - 31 (Tuesdy - Thursday).

Monastic life is a rhythm of prayer, work, eating...
Monastic life is a rhythm of prayer, work, eating...
Monastic life is a rhythm of prayer, work, eating...
...and rest.
...and rest.
...and rest.
Certain parts of the rhythm of monastic life were more appealing than others.
Certain parts of the rhythm of monastic life were more appealing than others.
Certain parts of the rhythm of monastic life were more appealing than others.

Through our pilgrimage we seek to accomplish two objectives:

1. to establish a spiritual connection between our parish and the monastery.

2. to absorb at least a little bit of the monastic spirit by becoming part of the monastery's rhythm of daily life, to deepen our own experience of the Church's Faith.

Last summer, we were at the monastery from Tuesday to Thursday, July 31 - Aug 2. Some of the work we did under Mother Macrina's supervision:

we dug six 40" deep holes in the cemetery for cement foundations for the several hundred pound stone markers that will be placed at the head of the burial site. A cement truck came in and poured cement into the holes, and we helped "screed" the cement - smooth it out.

We dug out a section of ground by the refectory and installed six cement slabs to create a sidewalk there.

We raked out weeds and rocks in a newly-acquired section of the monastery property.

We moved several hundred chairs and several tables in the pavilion, hosing them down and washing them and restacking them, to get them ready for the Divine Liturgy to be served in the pavilion on the Feast of the Dormition when the monastery welcomes hundreds of pilgrims in honor of their patronal feast. We also power-washed the walls and cement floors of the pavailion.

Wait a minute! Is that a golf club?
Wait a minute! Is that a golf club?
Wait a minute! Is that a golf club?
Actually, it's a water hose!
Actually, it's a water hose!
Actually, it's a water hose!
Proof Positive that Fr Paul was working. He's the one taking the pictures.
Proof Positive that Fr Paul was working. He's the one taking the pictures.
Proof Positive that Fr Paul was working. He's the one taking the pictures.

On Wednesday evening after dinner, Mother Gabriella came to the guest house and spoke to us, addressing such questions as: why do monastics wear black? How are they able to get by on so little sleep while they work so hard and pray so much? Do they ever wish they could return to worldly life?

Mother Gabriella answered:

black symbolizes death to the old man and regeneration in the resurrection of Christ.

Monastics need little sleep because their minds are filled with the prayers of the Church that enable them to sleep in deep peace, so they don't need as much rest. Their diet, too, is healthy and not heavy and so it does not tax their bodies as does rich foods. They also rely on the grace of the Holy Spirit to help them.

The monastic life is hard and demanding, but very rich and rewarding. Monastics love the monastic life.

We all fell in love with Mother Gabriella and with the mothers and sisters of Holy Dormition Monastery. We look forward to our pilgrimage next year!

Events - 2006


"Our Lady of Kosovo"
"Our Lady of Kosovo"
She was received June 7
She was received June 7
She was received June 7
In the Nave of St Herman's
In the Nave of St Herman's
In the Nave of St Herman's
Glory be to God!
Glory be to God!
Glory be to God!

Fr Louis Christopoulos, Bp Teodosije, Nenad, Fr Paul
Fr Louis Christopoulos, Bp Teodosije, Nenad, Fr Paul
Fr Louis Christopoulos, Bp Teodosije, Nenad, Fr Paul
The grounds of Visoki Decani Monastery
The grounds of Visoki Decani Monastery
The grounds of Visoki Decani Monastery
Call to Prayer at the Monastery
Call to Prayer at the Monastery
Call to Prayer at the Monastery
In early September, 2006, Fr Paul participated in an International Orthodox Christian Charities study trip to the Balkans. From Belgrade, the study group took a tense 10 hour bus ride to Visoki Decani Monastery deep in Kosovo led by Nenad Prelevic, head of the IOCC office in Belgrade. The abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery is Bishop Teodosije. To get to the monastery grounds, the group had to pass through a checkpoint guarded by an international military guard. All members of the study group were deeply moved by the genuine spirituality of the monks of Visoki Decani monastery. They are lamps of the Holy Spirit shining in the darkness of a troubled region. Fulfilling a mandate from St Herman's parishioners, Fr Paul commissioned the monks to produce an icon for St Herman's parish to call to our mind, whenever we stand in prayer before it, our solidarity with our suffering Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in the Balkans,

Bishop Teodosije
Bishop Teodosije
Bishop Teodosije
Nenad Prelevic
Nenad Prelevic
Nenad Prelevic
Our Lady delivered to Fr Paul and Presbytera
Our Lady delivered to Fr Paul and Presbytera
Our Lady delivered to Fr Paul and Presbytera
The icon was completed around Christmas. It remained for 40 days on the altar of the monastery church, just a few steps from the relics of King St Stefan (which Fr Paul venerated when he was there). It was then hand delivered to Nenad by Bishop Teodosije. Nenad kept the icon in his Belgrade office, waiting until he could find a safe and secure way to send the icon on to St Herman's. Shortly after Pascha, Jose Quinones of the IOCC office in Baltimore, visited the IOCC Belgrade office; and Nenad entrusted it to his care. Jose packed the icon securely in his carry-on luggage and kept it in his Baltimore office. Jose then handed the icon to Dan Christopoulos, IOCC director of development, when Dan came to the Baltimore office the first week of June. Dan packed the icon into his carry-on luggage and hand-delivered it to Fr Paul and Presbytera on Thursday, June 7. The point of the story is this: this beautiful icon has been relayed from the High Decani monastery in Kosovo to St Herman's, from one end of the earth to the other, wholly in the embrace of the Church.
The icon was blessed at Great Vespers on Saturday, June 9. To say that the icon is beautiful does not do it justice. Standing before this icon of the holy Theotokos, one understands the difference between a religious picture and an icon. This is not a religious picture. This is an icon.
Come and See!

St Herman's Orthodox Church
5355 38th Ave So; Minneapolis, MN 55417
Detailed Map

Upcoming Services

Friday, March 14
530 pm Confessions630 pm PreSanctified Liturgy8 pm Lenten Potluck
Saturday, March 15
9 am Memorial Divine Liturgy11 am Readers' Workshop on the Divine Liturgy
4 pm Confessions 4 pm Choir Rehearsal 5 pm Vigil
Sunday, March 16
9 am Church School & Adult Ed 940 am Hours 10 am Divine Liturgy St Basil 12 NOON Coffee Hour
5 pm Lenten Sunday Vespers: St Mary's Greek
Monday, March 17
6 pm Confessions7 pm Lenten Daily Vespers
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